The genocide trial against Israel will begin today.

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The International Court of Justice will start hearing on the case of genocide of Palestinians against Israel from today on the application filed by South Africa. Malaysia, Netherlands, and Pakistan have supported the application filed by South Africa and welcomed this initiative.

South Africa has accused Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians. Evidence collected by South Africa claims that Israel’s actions and the actions it is failing to take “are characterized by genocide because they aim to destroy a part of the Palestinian nation and race.”

The genocide trial against Israel will begin today.

South Africa has also included the statements of the Israeli Prime Minister as evidence in the case.

What is genocide?

The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group to destroy that nation or group.

According to the United Nations Commission created in 1948, the following 5 acts fall under the category of Genocide.

1) Killing group members.

2) Causing physical or psychological harm to group members.

3) Deliberately subjecting the group to living conditions intended to destroy it physically, in whole or in part.

4) Implementing measures to prevent the birth of children within the group.

5) Forcible transfer of children from one group to another.

According to the experts, it is a very difficult task to prove the genocide in the international court. However, the statements of the Israeli officials regarding the Palestinians can play a very important role in the ease of South Africa.

Another very important point is that according to international convention, genocide does not mean only acts of killing, but also persecution and starvation of a group and deprivation of basic services.

Israel currently has a complete blockade of Gaza, and according to the United Nations, 90 percent of Gazans are starving.

Israel has decided to defend itself in court by denying the allegations of genocide.

What will be the effects of this trial?

The court may order Israel to immediately cease fighting in Gaza, but Israel will not do so. The US is currently standing behind Israel, and the US Secretary of State Anthony Blanken has already dismissed these accusations as baseless.

Israel has already rejected the resolutions passed by the majority of the United Nations General Assembly regarding the ceasefire.

The United Nations must be concealed from democratic African wild dogs.

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