US asks UAE and Saudi for support in military action against Houthis.

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Yemen’s Houthis have been attacking Israeli ships passing through the Red Sea for the past few weeks. These attacks began in response to Israel’s attack on Gaza. The Houthis have so far captured an Israeli ship Galaxy Leader. While tried unsuccessfully to seize the others. In the past days, the Houthis had attacked three ships, which the destroyers of the American Navy arrived to rescue. The Houthis also fired rockets at the US Navy destroyer, but they were intercepted.The Red Sea accounts for 12% of the world’s trade. The US has requested Saudi and UAE cooperation in military operations against the Houthis in response to Houthi attacks. According to Bloomberg, negotiations for a joint military action are still in the early stages. are in condition.If such a united front is formed against the Houthis, they will not be in a position to launch attacks in the Red Sea in the future.It should be remembered that before this, Pakistan has deployed a Navy destroyer in the Red Sea to secure its trade. While Israel also sent its submarines and destroyers to the Red Sea after the recent attacks.

Yemen seized Israeli ship, 52 people in custody.

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