Due to the low birth rate in the US, The government ignore illegal immigrants.

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By vexwift.com

According to the former chief of the US Border Patrol, Biden is deliberately ignoring illegal immigrants to solve the problem of the low birth rate in the US.

During the era of former President Trump, a strict policy was adopted against those who entered the United States illegally. Not only this, but also decided to close the doors of the United States to the citizens of some countries. This decision was overturned by the court. While the rest of the policies were changed when Biden took office.

“Biden’s migrant policy is incentivizing foreigners to cross the U.S. border” according to former Border Patrol chief Ronald Vitiello.

In an interview, he added “The government is intentionally turning a blind eye to the problem, hoping to fix the low birth rate. Except it’s mostly criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists crossing the border illegally.”

According to Vitielo, the Biden administration is leading the country to disaster.

The US govt is ignoring illegal immigrants to solve the problem of low birth rates

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