Latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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According to the International Federation of Journalists,
At least 66 Palestinian journalists and media workers have been killed in the Israel-Hamas conflict in the Gaza Strip since October 7.

Human Rights Watch said on Monday: “Israel is intentionally hindering the supply of food and water in the Gaza Strip and using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare. such actions is a war crime.”

IDF soldiers are making progress on the northwestern outskirts of Jabalia. Currently, the main fighting is taking place near the Shadia Abu Ghazaleh school.

In eastern Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces have successfully reached Bin Marwan cemetery. This cemetery was being used by Hamas militants as a launching site for missiles against Israeli forces.

Israeli snipers killed 2 women and injured 7 other in a church in Gaza.

A French diplomat killed in Israeli strike in Gaza.

“One of the great horrors of modern warfare”Clarissa Ward on Gaza

Before our eyes, Gaza is being bombed into the Stone Age.Russian Representative

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