The world’s strong reaction to the raid on Al-Shifa Hospital

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Israel faced strong reactions from the world over the siege of Al-Shifah hospital in Gaza and the raid. Even Israel’s allies were very angry about this action.

What happened at Shifa Hospital is limits-crossing. It is not acceptable in any way.
norwegian Foreign Minister

The raid on Al-Shifa Hospital did not include American will. The White House

The human tragedy that is unfolding in Gaza is heart-wrenching, especially the suffering we see in and around the Al-Shifa hospital,” Justin Trudeau

“Reports of military incursion into Al Shifa hospital are deeply concerning,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom

“It stresses the absolute need for Israel to comply with international humanitarian law, which explicitly calls for the protection of hospital infrastructure and the principles of distinction, necessity, proportionality and precaution at all times and in all places. Any use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes is unacceptable,” French Foreign Ministry.

“We demand an immediate ceasefire on the part of Israel in Gaza and strict compliance with international humanitarian law, which today is clearly not respected,” Spanish prime minister,Pedro sanchez

“In Gaza, as Israeli forces enter Al-Shifa hospital, we call once again for the protection of medical staff, patients and displaced civilians sheltered inside the hospital,” MSF International.

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