The money spent on wars should be directed towards preventing climate changes. Alexander Lukashenko

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Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko criticized all speakers at the climate conference. According to Lukashenko, they only know how to highlight threats and are not addressing the real issues.

He referred to war as the most dangerous form of pollution and expressed in a political manner that the money spent on wars should be directed towards preventing climate change. To clarify his point, he cited the example of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, stating that so far, approximately 5 trillion dollars have been spent on it.

Here is a part of President Lukashenko’s remarks at the climate conference, “All the speakers, especially the first ones, were worried: where will we get the money? Oh, come on. Even journalists sitting here will tell you where the money is going to come from. To answer this question, we need to look at recent history.

We are here to reiterate our concerns. And those who spoke here in the front rows, ‘concerned about their grandchildren’, they are waging these wars. And wars are a terrible pollution of the planet. Let’s stop it.”

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