“suspend the supply of arms to Israel,”Italy’s opposition leader.

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By vexwift.com

Italy’s opposition leader and former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, standing in parliament, mocked the government’s support for Israel. He stated that the supply of arms to Israel should be stopped immediately.

Conte emphasized “to do so,you needs only one thing, which you does not possess, and that is courage. He further added that the people of Gaza should not be killed on Italy’s name.

Italy, being the first European country to establish relations with the PLO, has been a staunch supporter of Palestine. In recent days, Italy’s Defense Minister mentioned sending a hospital ship near Gaza to provide medical facilities to injured and sick Palestinians.

this time, Italy justified Israel’s attack on Gaza in response to Hamas attacks.moreover Italy has agreements for arms exchanges with Israel.The opposition leader called for terminating those agreements and criticized sending arms to Israel.

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