Houthis gave warning to Saudi and UAE.

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By vexwift.com

The Houthis threatened Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The member of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen, Muhammad Al Bukhaiti, revealed that if Saudi Arabia or the UAE joins the Western joint action against the Houthis, they will have to suffer serious consequences.

Muhammad Al Bukhaiti said: “If Saudi Arabia and the Emirates become part of any coalition to attack Yemen, we will not leave any oil or gas field in Saudi Arabia or the Emirates, and we will strike all ships transporting their oil.”

The timing of the statement coming from Yemen is very important. In a few days, US officials are going to visit the Gulf countries. Where they will ask for help from different countries in using military options against the Houthis. The Houthis warned everyone in advance.

Yemen’s Houthis siezed a tanker.

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