Deadlock over Ukraine aid in US House of Representatives.

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A deadlock has emerged in the U.S. House of Representatives regarding aid to Ukraine. Republicans assert that if the White House does not take steps to curb illegal immigration, they will withdraw support for aid to Ukraine. Democrats, on the other hand, are not willing to enact any legislation aimed at stopping migrants.

A few days ago, former Border Patrol chief Ronald Vitiello said that Biden’s migrant policy is incentivizing foreigners to cross the U.S. border.

Republicans’ stance on immigrants has been very strict. During the tenure of former President Trump, significant measures were taken in this regard. Currently, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is James Michael Johnson, a Republican. Like other Republicans, he has conditioned approval for aid to Ukraine on strengthening border security. According to him, if the White House does not strengthen border security, he will not support aid to Ukraine.

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