A journalist in Germany was fired for writing a book on Russia

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By vexwift.com

A media outlet in Germany fired one of its reporters for writing a book praising Russia.

Jürgen Helfricht of Germany wrote a book called “learning to love Russia”, which was later printed in Russia with Putin’s foreword.
Jürgen was working for BILD news outlet in Germany.

This statement was issued by BILD after the penalty was levied, “This decision was taken by the BILD editorial staff as soon as they learned about the participation of 60-year-old Jürgen Helfricht (pictured left) in writing the book Russland lieben lernen. Its main author is Hans-Joachim Frey (right), former head of the Dresden Opera Ballet. He published the book in German in 2018. Its foreword was written by Vladimir Medinsky, who declared “false and superficial” perceptions of Russia that foreigners allegedly spread “for propaganda purposes.” A Russian-language edition with a foreword by Vladimir Putin appeared in 2021.”

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