Husband reached the police station with his wife’s severed head.

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India: After killing his wife, the husband reached the police station with her severed head.

According to Indian media reports, the tragic incident took place in a district of Uttar Pradesh where the husband allegedly beheaded his wife and took her severed head to the police station.

The accused has been identified as Anil Kanojia, who has been arrested by the police and a case has been registered in the incident.

In the video that surfaced on social media, the accused can be seen carrying his wife’s blood-soaked head to the police station while people nearby are looking at him in shock.

According to the police, Anil Kanojia allegedly killed his 28-year-old wife Vandana by stabbing him to death.
After investigation, the police stated that the accused had killed his wife in the name of ‘honour’.

Kanojia, a daily wage labourer, was married to Vandana eight years ago and has two children. The accused suspected that the wife was having extra-marital affairs.

According to the police, there were frequent quarrels between the couple. Even on the day of the incident, after the quarrel, the accused got angry and killed the wife.

The body of the deceased has been shifted to the hospital for post-mortem, while the accused has been arrested and a case has been registered under the provisions of murder.

Superintendent of Police Dinesh Kumar Singh said the accused was arrested with the severed head of his wife and the murder weapon.

“Anil suspected his wife’s illicit relationship and confronted her about it. Fuelled by anger, he carried out this heinous act. The police are registering a case and conducting a thorough investigation. Stringent legal action will be taken against the accused after a comprehensive inquiry into the entire incident,” he said.

According to sources, the accused’s wife, Vandana, was dating another man, which led to frequent disputes in the house.

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